Run to Starlight: Sports Through Science Fiction
From Author Wars -
- Title: Run to Starlight: Sports Through Science Fiction
- Author: Patricia Warrick, Joseph D. Olander, Martin Harry Greenberg
- Year: 1976
- ISBN-10: 0440074010
- Publisher: Delacorte Press
- Price: $8.95
- Pages: 383
- Binding: Hardcover
- Type: Anthology
- Title Reference: Run to Starlight, Sports Through Science Fiction
- Notes:
- On copyright page: "First printing", "Copyright (c) 1975 by Martin Harry Greenberg, ..." and ISBN.
- Despite this book's 1975 copyright, WorldCat says it was published in 1976, as do at least two reviews. Month (0176) on back flap seen on eBay.
- Price per WorldCat. (Verification copy's jacket is corner-clipped.)
- "Jacket illustration by Ed Soyka" on jacket back flap.
- Each story is preceded by an uncredited introduction. The "Contents" page lists the page numbers of the introductions.