Rage of a Demon King
From Author Wars - https://authorwars.com/publications/rage-of-a-demon-king-27267.html
- Title: Rage of a Demon King
- Author: Raymond E. Feist
- Year: 1997
- ISBN-10: 0380974738
- Publisher: Avon Books
- Price: $24.00
- Pages: xi+436
- Binding: Hardcover
- Type: Novel
- Title Reference: Rage of a Demon King
- Notes:
- Stated First Avon Books Printing: April 1997.
- First printing by number line 10 - 1.
- Copyright © 1997 by Raymond E. Feist.
- "Interior design by Kellan Peck"
- "Jacket illustration by Liz Kenyon" on inside back dust jacket.
- "Cast of Characters" spans pages ix - xi.
- Canadian price C$31.00.