Pirate Writings, #17, 1999
From Author Wars - https://authorwars.com/publications/pirate-writings-17-1999-59973.html
- Title: Pirate Writings, #17, 1999
- Author: Edward J. McFadden
- Year: 1999
- Publisher: DNA Publications
- Price: $4.95
- Pages: 68
- Binding: quarto
- Title Reference: Night Watch
- Notes:
- "Volume 6, No. 2, Whole No.18, 1999" in indicia.
- Magazine is subtitled "Tales of Fantasy, Mystery + Science Fiction" on cover & ToC.
- Indicia shows title as Pirate Writings Magazine.
- Saddle-stapled.
- The covers are not included in the pagination, but are added to this record's page count.
- Cover art credited in ToC and signed on cover.
- Editorial is signed "Ed" and is attributed to editor McFadden.
- C$5.95 in Canada.