New Worlds 6
From Author Wars -
- Title: New Worlds 6
- Author: Michael Moorcock, Charles Platt
- Year: 1973
- ISBN-10: 0722162014
- Publisher: Sphere Books
- Price: £0.40
- Pages: 263
- Binding: Paperback
- Type: Anthology
- Title Reference: New Worlds 6
- Notes:
- "First published in Great Britain by Sphere Books Ltd 1973"
- Printing not stated, no number line
- Month from Contento1
- The artist is not credited, no visible signature
- Cover/artist match in "Ultraterranium" by Bruce Pennington
- "The Story of Three Cities" given as "The Story of the Three Cities" in contents and credited to "Ronald and Anthony Cross".
- "Michael Butterworth" typoed as "Michael Butterwotth" on story's title page.
- $1.25 in Australia and New Zealand; $1.45 in Canada