New Legends
From Author Wars -
- Title: New Legends
- Author: Martin Greenberg (1941-2011), Greg Bear
- Year: 1995
- ISBN-10: 0099318814
- Publisher: Legend
- Price: £15.99
- Pages: x+419
- Binding: Hardcover
- Type: Anthology
- Title Reference: Wang's Carpets
- Notes:
- "Published by Legend Books in 1995"
- Exact date from laid-in publisher's review slip [from former {{PV|Hauck}}]
- Artist is not credited, artwork appears in Chris Moore's book Journeyman (title page)
- The story Scenes from a Future Marriage is credited to James Stevens-Ace in the TOC but to Stevens-Arce on the story's title page
- The stories are grouped in 6 titled chapters
- The Epilog is not credited anywhere in the book