Magic in Ithkar 2
From Author Wars -
- Title: Magic in Ithkar 2
- Author: Andre Norton, Robert Adams
- Year: 1985
- ISBN-10: 0812547454
- Publisher: Tor
- Price: $6.95
- Pages: [6]+306
- Binding: Trade Paperback
- Type: Anthology
- Title Reference: Magic in Ithkar 2
- Notes:
- "First printing: December 1985" stated on the copyright page.
- No printer's key.
- "Copyright © 1985 by Robert Adams and André Norton"
- Prices printed on the front cover and the spine.
- ISBN stated on the copyright page and the back cover.
- ISBN and price printed on the inside of the front cover in an OCR font.
- Cover artist is credited on the copyright page.
- Map artist is John M. Ford as identified by the initials JMF on the map.
- Copyright page also prints the ISBN of the Canadian edition: 0-812-54746-2.
- Front cover states "US/54745-4 * $6.95 (over) CAN/54746-2 * $7.95"
- No LCCN found from lookup on the Library of Congress catalog.
- The title page, cover, and spine have Andre Norton spelled as André Norton.