Irrational Numbers
From Author Wars -
- Title: Irrational Numbers
- Author: George Alec Effinger
- Year: 1976
- ISBN-10: 0385111894
- Publisher: Doubleday
- Price: $5.95
- Pages: xiv+174
- Binding: Hardcover
- Type: Collection
- Title Reference: Irrational Numbers
- Notes:
- "First Edition" stated on the copyright page.
- The copyright page contains the complete Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data including the ISBN (0-385-11189-4), and the LCCN (75-14818).
- Year of publication stated on the title page. Month of publication based on the gutter code.
- Gutter code "Q49" on page 174 indicates a printing in November 1975.
- "Jacket by Michael Flanagan" printed on the back flap of the dustjacket.