George Alec Effinger Live! From Planet Earth
From Author Wars -
- Title: George Alec Effinger Live! From Planet Earth
- Author: George Alec Effinger
- Year: 2005
- ISBN-10: 1930846320
- Publisher: Golden Gryphon Press
- Price: $25.95
- Pages: [x]+365
- Binding: Hardcover
- Type: Collection
- Title Reference: Everything But Honor
- Notes:
- Golden Gryphon Press Book #39
- "First Edition" stated on the copyright page.
- Page 360 is the last numbered page.
- "Two thousand copies of this book have been printed..." stated on the unpaginated page [364].
- Month from Locus1
- "Cover illustration copyright © 2005 by John Picacio" on copyright page, no visible signature on the wraparound artwork [which is repeated in B&W as the title page]
- $36.95 in Canada