Famous Fantastic Mysteries Combined with Fantastic Novels Magazine, June 1953
From Author Wars - https://authorwars.com/publications/famous-fantastic-mysteries-combined-with-fantastic-novels-magazine-june-1953-57987.html
- Title: Famous Fantastic Mysteries Combined with Fantastic Novels Magazine, June 1953
- Author: Mary Gnaedinger
- Year: 1953
- Publisher: Popular Publications, Inc.
- Price: $0.25
- Pages: 116
- Binding: pulp
- Title Reference: Worms of the Earth
- Notes:
Apr. 1953←Jun. 1953
Vol. 14, No. 4.
"Famous Fantastic Mysteries Combined with Fantastic Novels Magazine" at the top of the table of contents - "Famous Fantastic Mysteries" on the cover and spine.
Lawrence and Finlay are credited as the interior artists on the table of contents. Finlay signs his work and Lawrence is presumed to be responsible for the other work.