Day of the Tyrant
From Author Wars -
- Title: Day of the Tyrant
- Author: John F. Carr, J. E. Pournelle
- Year: 1985
- ISBN-10: 0812549570
- Publisher: Tor
- Price: $2.95
- Pages: xiv+370
- Binding: Paperback
- Type: Anthology
- Title Reference: No Truce with Kings
- Notes:
- Cover artist credited on copyright page.
- "First printing: May 1985" on copyright page.
- Each story prefaced by an editor's introduction. Usually a couple of paragraphs. These are not entered here.
- John F. Carr credited on title page but not on cover or spine.
- LCCN from LOC lookup. No LCCN printed in book as it was not assigned until years later.