Chicks in Chainmail
From Author Wars -
- Title: Chicks in Chainmail
- Author: Esther Friesner
- Year: 1995
- ISBN-10: 0671876821
- Publisher: Baen Books
- Price: $5.99
- Pages: 341
- Binding: Paperback
- Type: Anthology
- Title Reference: Chicks in Chainmail
- Notes:
- First printing September 1995
- No printing number line in book.
- Price in Canada $7.50
- Copyright © 1995 by Esther Friesner.
- Cover art by Larry Elmore. Signature "Elmore 94" on the artwork
- "Edited by Edith Friesner" on title page, front cover and spine.
- Introduction is titled Chicks in Chainmail by Edith Friesner. Introduction is only used on ToC.