As Tomorrow Becomes Today
From Author Wars -
- Title: As Tomorrow Becomes Today
- Author: Charles Wm. Sullivan, III
- Year: 1974
- ISBN-10: 0130500216
- Publisher: Prentice-Hall
- Price: $4.95
- Pages: xv+456
- Binding: Trade Paperback
- Type: Anthology
- Title Reference: The Sentinel
- Notes:
- On copyright page:
- "SUMMARY: An anthology of science fiction stories designed to be utilized in the instruction of English composition and literature at the high school level."
- LCCN and two ISBNs: "0-13-050039-9" and "0-13-050021-6 (pbk.)". The "pbk" ISBN is on the back cover of this trade paper edition. The other ISBN may be for a hardcover or instructor version.
- "Copyright (c) 1974"
- Printing line "10 9 8 ... 3 2 1"
- No price on book.
- On back cover: "COVER DESIGN Livia Audi Communications Design Group".
- TOC mistakenly places preface on page ix.
- On copyright page: