Analog Science Fiction -> Science Fact, May 1966
From Author Wars -
- Title: Analog Science Fiction -> Science Fact, May 1966
- Author: John W. Campbell, Jr.
- Year: 1966
- Publisher: Condé Nast
- Price: $0.50
- Pages: 164
- Binding: digest
- Title Reference: Call Him Lord
- Notes: Apr. 1966←May 1966→Jun. 1966
Vol. LXXVII, No. 3. Cover illustration for "The Wings of a Bat" (untitled in the magazine). "Titanium - The Wonder Metal" is the form used at the head of the article. Both table of contents & page footer titles use a slash instead of the hyphen (or dash?). "The Alchemist" is listed as a "Short Novel". The full text and images of this edition are available at, see web page for link.