Alien Pregnant by Elvis
From Author Wars -
- Title: Alien Pregnant by Elvis
- Author: Esther M. Friesner, Martin H. Greenberg
- Year: 1994
- ISBN-10: 0886776104
- Publisher: DAW Books
- Price: $4.99
- Pages: 319
- Binding: Paperback
- Type: Anthology
- Title Reference: Alien Pregnant by Elvis
- Notes:
- $5.99 Can
- 36 original tabloid tales
- First printing, June 1994
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - Catalog #UE2610
- "Close-up Photos Reveal JFK Skull on Moon!" is by Barry Malzberg on copyright page and table of contents; as by Barry N. Malzberg only at beginning of story.
- "They'd Never—" is "They'd Never..." on copyright page
- "Psychic Bats 1000 for Accuracy!" has no ! on copyright page
- "Loch Ness Monster Found—In the Bermuda Triangle" is "Loch Ness Monster Found in the Bermuda Triangle" on copyright page
- "Frozen Hitler Found in Atlantean Love Nest" ©1994 Rosemary Edghill AND story title at story also has "(An excerpt from her forthcoming The Wild Hunt For Gray November)" as part of title.