Up the Wall
From Author Wars - https://authorwars.com/books/up-the-wall-42265.html
- Title: Up the Wall
- Author: Esther M. Friesner
- Year: 1990
- Type: Short Fiction
Variant Titles:
- Unknown. Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, April 1990 (Unknown, Esther M. Friesner, Davis Publications, $2.50, 196 pages, digest, MAGAZINE)
- Unknown. Dragons! (Unknown, Esther M. Friesner, Ace Books, ISBN-10: 0441166318, $4.99, xiv+222 pages, Trade Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. Smart Dragons, Foolish Elves (Unknown, Esther M. Friesner, Ace Books, ISBN-10: 0441184812, $4.95, 340 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. Smart Dragons, Foolish Elves (Unknown, Esther M. Friesner, Ace Books / SFBC, $7.98, x+276 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- 2013 . Dragons! (2013, Esther M. Friesner, Baen Books, ISBN-10: 9781625791436, $4.99, ebook, Anthology)