Highway i



This information is from the following website, which contains a bibliography and a biography on Charles Eric Maine, http://www.waldeneast.fsnet.co.uk/cemaine.htm "Highway i" Authentic Science Fiction 39, November 1953 pp 74-111; illustrated by Gerald Notes: Slightly revised vt “Highway J”; book version Timeliner "Highway J" Planet Stories November 1953 Other Worlds, Other Times, ed Sam Moskowitz and Roger Elwood Macfadden-Bartell 75-238 1969 192pp 75c pb (cover by Jack Faragasso) pp 66-97 Manor 532-95310-095 1974 192pp 95c pb pp 66-97 Notes: Slightly revised vt of "Highway i" (although the story appeared in two different magazines bearing the same cover date, the editor of Authentic, H J Campbell, stated that "an American magazine" had also bought "Highway i" a few weeks after he had); book version Timeliner

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