Tool of the Trade
From Author Wars -
- Title: Tool of the Trade
- Author: Joe Haldeman
- Year: 1987
- Type: Novel
- 1987. Tool of the Trade (1987, Joe Haldeman Gollancz, ISBN-10: 0575041188, L10.95, 261 pages, Hardcover, Novel)
- 1987. Tool of the Trade (1987, Joe Haldeman Morrow, ISBN-10: 0688072453, $15.95, 261 pages, Hardcover, Novel)
- 1988. Tool of the Trade (1988, Joe Haldeman Orbit, ISBN-10: 0708882781, L3.50, 261 pages, Paperback, Novel)
- 1988. Tool of the Trade (June 1988, Joe Haldeman Avon, ISBN-10: 0380704382, $3.95, 248 pages, Paperback, Novel)
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