Rescue Party
From Author Wars -
- Title: Rescue Party
- Author: Arthur C. Clarke
- Year: 1946
- Type: Short Fiction
- 1946. Astounding Science Fiction, May 1946 (1946, John W. Campbell, Jr. Street & Smith Publications, Inc., $0.25, 180 pages, digest, Magazine)
- 1948. A Treasury of Science Fiction (1948, Groff Conklin Crown, $3.50, 517 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- 1952. Beyond the End of Time (1952, Frederik Pohl Perma (Doubleday), $0.35, 407 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1952. Beyond the End of Time (1952, Frederik Pohl Permabooks, Catalog ID: #P145, $0.35, 407 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1956. Reach for Tomorrow (1956, Arthur C. Clarke Ballantine, Catalog ID: #135, $2.00, 166 pages, Hardcover, Collection)
- 1956. Reach for Tomorrow (1956, Arthur C. Clarke Ballantine, Catalog ID: #135, $0.35, 166 pages, Paperback, Collection)
- 1956. The End of the World (1956, Donald A. Wollheim Ace, Catalog ID: #S-183, $0.25, 159 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1957. A Treasury of Science Fiction (1957, Groff Conklin Berkley, Catalog ID: #G-63, $0.35, 186 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1959. Great Tales of Action and Adventure (1959, George Bennett Dell, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1959. Across the Sea of Stars (1959, Arthur C. Clarke Harcourt Brace World, Hardcover, Omnibus)
- 1965. A Treasury of Science Fiction (January 1965, Groff Conklin Berkley Medallion, ID: F1047, $0.50, 186 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1967. The Nine Billion Names of God (1967, Arthur C. Clarke Harcourt Brace World, Hardcover, Collection)
- 1972. Alpha 3 (1972, Robert Silverberg Ballantine, Catalog ID: #02883, $1.25, 277 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1974. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow... (1974, Bonnie L. Heintz, Frank Herbert, Donald A. Joos, Jane Agorn McGee Rinehart & Winston, Trade, Anthology)
- 1974. The Nine Billion Names of God (June 1974, Arthur C. Clarke Signet, ISBN-10: 0451075897, $1.50, 240 pages, Paperback, Collection)
- 1975. Reach for Tomorrow (December 1975, Arthur C. Clarke Ballantine, ISBN-10: 0345250370, $1.50, 166 pages, Paperback, Collection)
- 1980. The Arbor House Treasury of Modern Science Fiction (1980, Robert Silverberg, Martin H. Greenberg Arbor House, Hardcover, Anthology)
- 1980. A Treasury of Science Fiction (1980, Groff Conklin Bonanza, ISBN-10: 0517306182, 517 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- 1980. Arbor House Treasury of Modern SF (1980, Robert Silverberg, Martin H. Greenberg, ISBN-10: 0877952469, $19.95, xii+754 pages, Anthology)
- 1982. The Great SF Stories 8 (1946) (1982, Isaac Asimov, Anthology)
- 1982. The Great SF Stories 8 (1946) (November 1982, Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg DAW, ISBN-10: 0879977809, $3.50, 368 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1983. The Sentinel (November 1983, Arthur C. Clarke Berkley, ISBN-10: 0425093891, 260 pages, Trade, Collection)
- 1984. The Golden Years of Science Fiction: Fourth Series (1984, Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg Bonanza/Crown, ISBN-10: 0517447355, $6.98, 632 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- 1984. The Sentinel (March 1984, Arthur C. Clarke Berkley / SFBC, Catalog ID: #3289, $3.98, xiv+206 pages, Hardcover, Collection)
- 1985. The Sentinel (1985, Arthur C. Clarke Panther, ISBN-10: 0586063439, £2.95, 299 pages, Trade, Collection)
- 1986. The Sentinel (1986, Arthur C. Clarke Berkley, ISBN-10: 0425093891, $3.50, 260 pages, Paperback, Collection)
- 1987. Great Science Fiction of the 20th Century (1987, Robert Silverberg, Martin H. Greenberg Avenel Books, ISBN-10: 0517641240, 726 pages, Anthology)
- 1991. The Sentinel (1991, Arthur C. Clarke Grafton, ISBN-10: 0586212043, £3.99, 319 pages, Paperback, Collection)
- 1998. Reach for Tomorrow (1998, Arthur C. Clarke Ballantine Del Rey, ISBN-10: 0345430719, $10.00, xi+188 pages, Trade, Collection)
- 2000. The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke (2000, Arthur C. Clarke Victor Gollancz - an imprint of Orion, ISBN-10: 057507065X, £20.00, 966 pages, Hardcover, Collection)
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