The World, Ceres
From Author Wars -
- Title: The World, Ceres
- Author: Isaac Asimov
- Year: 1972
- Type: Essays
- Series: Asimov's Essays: F&SF
Variant Titles:
- Unknown. The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, September 1972 (Unknown, Isaac Asimov, Mercury Press, Inc., $0.75, 148 pages, digest, MAGAZINE)
- Unknown. The Tragedy of the Moon (Unknown, Isaac Asimov, Dell, ISBN-10: 0440189993, $1.50, 224 pages, Paperback, Non-fiction)
- Unknown. The Tragedy of the Moon (Unknown, Isaac Asimov, Coronet Books, ISBN-10: 0340198796, £0.60, 222 pages, Paperback, Non-fiction)