The War of the Planets
From Author Wars -
- Title: The War of the Planets
- Author: Harl Vincent
- Year: 1929
- Type: Short Fiction
- Series: The Adventures of the Golden Girl of Munan
- Number in Series: 2
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, January 1929 (Unknown, Harl Vincent, Experimenter Publishing Company, $0.25, 100 pages, bedsheet, MAGAZINE)
- 2013 . The Adventures of the Golden Girl of Munan (2013, Harl Vincent, Villainous Press, ISBN-10: 9781622254545, $7.99, 164 pages, Trade Paperback, Collection)
- 2018 . Cities in the Air / The War of the Planets (2018, Harl Vincent, Armchair Fiction, ISBN-10: 9781612874050, $12.95, 232 pages, Trade Paperback, Anthology)