The Monkey Spoons
From Author Wars -
- Title: The Monkey Spoons
- Author: Mary Elizabeth Counselman
- Year: 1950
- Type: Short Fiction
- Unknown. Weird Tales, May 1950 (Unknown, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Weird Tales, $0.25, 100 pages, pulp, MAGAZINE)
- Unknown. Half in Shadow (Unknown, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Arkham House, ISBN-10: 0870540815, $8.95, ix+212 pages, Hardcover, Collection)
- Unknown. Half in Shadow (Unknown, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, William Kimber, ISBN-10: 0718302877, £4.95, ix+212 pages, Hardcover, Collection)
- Unknown. Half in Shadow (Unknown, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Consul Books / World Distributors, 3/6, 189 pages, Paperback, Collection)
- Unknown. Weird Tales (Unknown, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Pulp Classics on DVD, other, Anthology)
- 2014 . The Weird Fiction Megapack (2014, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Wildside Press, ISBN-10: 9781434442666, $0.99, pages, ebook, Anthology)
- 2016 . Fantastic Stories Presents the Weird Tales Super Pack #2 (2016, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Positronic Publishing, ISBN-10: 9781515410768, $16.99, 450 pages, Trade Paperback, Anthology)
- 2016 . Fantastic Stories Presents the Weird Tales Super Pack #2 (2016, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Positronic Publishing, ISBN-10: 9781515411079, $1.99, ebook, Anthology)
- 2018 . Fantastic Stories Presents the Weird Tales Super Pack #2 (2018, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Positronic Publishing, ISBN-10: 9781515420903, $24.99, 452 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)