The Devil's Lottery
From Author Wars -
- Title: The Devil's Lottery
- Author: Mary Elizabeth Counselman
- Year: 1948
- Type: Short Fiction
Variant Titles:
- Unknown. Weird Tales, September 1948 (Unknown, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Weird Tales, $0.20, 100 pages, pulp, MAGAZINE)
- Unknown. Tales of the Macabre (Unknown, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, New English Library, ISBN-10: 0450004163, 5/-, 125 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. Revelations from Yuggoth, #3 February 1989 (Unknown, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Cryptic Publications, $4.50, 68 pages, A5, FANZINE)
- Unknown. 100 Twisted Little Tales of Torment (Unknown, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Barnes & Noble Books, ISBN-10: 076070855X, $7.98, 578 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- Unknown. Weird Tales (Unknown, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Pulp Classics on DVD, other, Anthology)
- 2022 . Hostess of Horror and Fantasy (2022, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Armchair Fiction, ISBN-10: 9798414006916, $16.95, 312 pages, Trade Paperback, Collection)