The Backroom
From Author Wars -
- Title: The Backroom
- Author: Bentley Little
- Year: 1985
- Type: Short Fiction
- Unknown. Bringing Down the Moon: 15 Tales of Fantasy and Terror (Unknown, Bentley Little, Space and Time, ISBN-10: 0917053028, $7.95, 251 pages, Trade Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. Bringing Down the Moon: 15 Tales of Fantasy and Terror (Unknown, Bentley Little, Space and Time, ISBN-10: 0917053036, $15.95, 251 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- Unknown. Murmurous Haunts: The Selected Works of Bentley Little (Unknown, Bentley Little, Dark Regions Press, $5.95, 82 pages, Trade Paperback, Collection)