Sturgeon Is Alive and Well...
From Author Wars -
- Title: Sturgeon Is Alive and Well...
- Author: Theodore Sturgeon
- Year: 1971
- Catalog ID: #S2045
- Publisher: Berkley
- Price: $0.75
- Pages: 224
- Binding: Paperback
- Type: Collection
- Title Reference: Sturgeon Is Alive and Well...
- Notes: Cover is uncredited, but looks like Paul Lehr. Includes a Foreword by Sturgeon. Lucy Menger's book about TS says that "Brownshoes" was originally entitled "The Man Who Learned Loving". SBN on title page is 425-02045-3, spine has 425-02045-075 (i.e. including price as last three digits). Not sure why ISBN is invalid.
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