The Man Who Sold the Moon


  • Title: The Man Who Sold the Moon
  • Author: Robert A. Heinlein
  • Year: 1951
  • Catalog ID: #451-E7196-175
  • Publisher: Signet (13th printing)
  • Price: $1.75
  • Pages: 267
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Type: Collection
  • Title Reference: Cover: The Man Who Sold the Moon
  • Notes: Stated "First Printing, March 1951 / 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20." While there are several pages of advertising they are not dated though it may be possible to date the publication by looking at all the titles to see which has the most recent first Signet publication. The publication date for this ISFDB record was set to the YYYY-MM of the first printing and the -DD of the printing. There is an Amazon record for ISBN 0-451-07196-4 that's dated Feb 1972. If the Catalog # was converted into an ISBN that's what we would get and so it's quite like NAL uploaded the printing dates and Feb-1972 is Correct. One confusing aspect is that while the first printing is stated as "March 1951: the most recent copyright stated is 1953 meaning either a copyright was renewed or the publication was revised since the first printing. This ISFDB record was cloned from another Signet edition but the list of stories was different implying it has been revised at times. The cover artist is not credited but the signature "Szafran" is clearly visible and it's assumed this is Gene Szafran.

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