The Report, March 1993, No. 9
From Author Wars -
- Title: The Report, March 1993, No. 9
- Editors: J. Steven York, Christina F. York
- Year: 1993
- Publisher: Pulphouse Publishing, Box 1227, Eugene OR 97440
- Price: $2.95
- Pages: 24
- Binding: tabloid, newsprint
- Type: Magazine
- Notes: Noted as being Vol. 2, No. 9, Whole No. 62. Its publisher is listed as Dean Wesley Smith. The cover art is two-color. The Report is subtitled The Fiction Writer's Magazine. There is no ISSN number listed on the masthead page, or elsewhere. The cover art by Berggren actually appears at the top of page 24, but due to a half foldover, it appears to be the title page of the tabloid.
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