Leaping to the Stars
From Author Wars - https://authorwars.com/books/leaping-to-the-stars-22274.html
- Title: Leaping to the Stars
- Author: David Gerrold
- Year: 2002
- Type: Novels
- Series: Starsiders / The Dingilliad
- Number in Series: 3
- Unknown. Leaping to the Stars (Unknown, David Gerrold, Tor, ISBN-10: 0312890672, $24.95, 316 pages, Hardcover, Novel)
- Unknown. Leaping to the Stars (Unknown, David Gerrold, Tor, ISBN-10: 0812589742, $6.99, 299 pages, Paperback, Novel)
- Unknown. The Far Side of the Sky (Unknown, David Gerrold, Science Fiction Book Club, ISBN-10: 073942808X, $15.99, 804 pages, Hardcover, Omnibus)
- 2011 . Leaping To The Stars (2011, David Gerrold, Tor, ISBN-10: 9781429974233, $7.99, pages, ebook, Novel)
- 2014 . Leaping to the Stars (2014, David Gerrold, Audible Studios, $14.95, digital audio download, Novel)
- 2015 . Leaping to the Stars (2015, David Gerrold, Audible Studios on Brilliance Audio, ISBN-10: 9781511339728, audio MP3 CD, Novel)
- 2019 . Leaping to the Stars (2019, David Gerrold, BenBella Books, ISBN-10: 9781948836890, $7.99, pages, ebook, Novel)