Jumping Off the Planet
From Author Wars - https://authorwars.com/books/jumping-off-the-planet-79141.html
- Title: Jumping Off the Planet
- Author: David Gerrold
- Year: 1998
- Type: Short Fiction
- Series: Starsiders / The Dingilliad
- 0000. Jumping Off the Planet Locus Poll Award, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. Jumping Off the Planet HOMer Award, Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. Jumping Off the Planet Nebula Award, Novella (Nomination)
- Unknown. Science Fiction Age, January 1998 (Unknown, David Gerrold, Sovereign Media Co., $3.95, 100 pages, quarto, MAGAZINE)
- 2014 . A Promise of Stars (2014, David Gerrold, DG Media, $4.99, ebook, Collection)
- 2016 . A Promise of Stars (2016, David Gerrold, DG Media, ISBN-10: 9781939888419, $30.00, 362 pages, Trade Paperback, Collection)