From Author Wars - https://authorwars.com/books/hellhole-81300.html
- Title: Hellhole
- Author: David Gerrold
- Year: 1979
- Type: Short Fiction
- Unknown. Asimov's SF Adventure Magazine, Fall 1979 (Unknown, David Gerrold, Davis Publications, $1.95, 116 pages, quarto, MAGAZINE)
- Unknown. Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Anthology, Volume 3 (Unknown, David Gerrold, Davis Publications, $2.50, 288 pages, digest, Anthology)
- Unknown. Isaac Asimov's Adventures of Science Fiction (Unknown, David Gerrold, The Dial Press, ISBN-10: , $9.95, 284 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- Unknown. Science Fiction Masterpieces (Unknown, David Gerrold, Galahad Books, ISBN-10: 0883657139, $9.98, 633 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- Unknown. Science Fiction Masterpieces (Unknown, David Gerrold, Galahad Books, ISBN-10: 0883657139, 633 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- 1986 . Isaac Asimov's Choice (1986, David Gerrold, Robert Hale, ISBN-10: 0709027648, £10.95, 255 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)