Heir of Rengarth
From Author Wars - https://authorwars.com/books/heir-of-rengarth-11013.html
- Title: Heir of Rengarth
- Author: Carole Nelson Douglas
- Year: 1988
- Type: Novels
- Series: Kendri and Irissa / Sword & Circlet
- Number in Series: 4
- Unknown. Heir of Rengarth (Unknown, Carole Nelson Douglas, Corgi, ISBN-10: 0552133078, £3.50, 382 pages, Paperback, Novel)
- Unknown. Heir of Rengarth (Unknown, Carole Nelson Douglas, Tor, ISBN-10: 0312930755, $17.95, 374 pages, Hardcover, Novel)
- Unknown. Heir of Rengarth (Unknown, Carole Nelson Douglas, Tor, ISBN-10: 0812500466, $4.50, 374 pages, Paperback, Novel)
- Unknown. Heir of Rengarth (Unknown, Carole Nelson Douglas, Tor, ISBN-10: 9780765370044, $7.99, 416 pages, Paperback, Novel)