From Author Wars - https://authorwars.com/books/he-we-await-42523.html
- Title: He-We-Await
- Author: Howard Waldrop
- Year: 1987
- Type: Short Fiction
Variant Titles:
- 0000. He-We-Await Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- Unknown. Strange Things in Close-Up: The Nearly Complete Howard Waldrop (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, Legend, ISBN-10: 0099644401, £4.50, vii+363 pages, Trade Paperback, Omnibus)
- Unknown. All About Strange Monsters of the Recent Past (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, Ursus Imprints, ISBN-10: 0942681002, $35.00, 122 pages, Hardcover, Collection)
- Unknown. Transcendental Tales from Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, Starblaze / The Donning Company, ISBN-10: 0898657628, $7.95, 301 pages, Trade Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. Isaac Asimov's Halloween (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, Ace Books, ISBN-10: 0441008542, $5.99, 248 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. Strange Monsters of the Recent Past (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, Ace Books, ISBN-10: 0441160697, $3.95, xii+208 pages, Paperback, Collection)
- 1987 . Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, Mid-December 1987 (1987, Howard Waldrop, Davis Publications, ISBN-10: , $2.00, 196 pages, digest, MAGAZINE)