Feathers from the Wings of an Angel
From Author Wars - https://authorwars.com/books/feathers-from-the-wings-of-an-angel-58768.html
- Title: Feathers from the Wings of an Angel
- Author: Thomas M. Disch
- Year: 1971
- Type: Short Fiction
Variant Titles:
- Unknown. Getting Into Death and Other Stories (Unknown, Thomas M. Disch, Alfred A. Knopf, ISBN-10: 0394498038, $7.95, 227 pages, Hardcover, Collection)
- Unknown. Getting Into Death (Unknown, Thomas M. Disch, Hart-Davis, MacGibbon, ISBN-10: 024610614X, £2.50, 206 pages, Hardcover, Collection)
- Unknown. New Worlds Quarterly 2 (Unknown, Thomas M. Disch, Sphere Books, £0.30, 187 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. Getting Into Death and Other Stories (Unknown, Thomas M. Disch, Kangaroo / Pocket Books, ISBN-10: 0671809261, $1.75, 224 pages, Paperback, Collection)
- Unknown. New Worlds, March 1971 (Unknown, Thomas M. Disch, New Worlds Publishing, £0.25, 24 pages, A4, MAGAZINE)
- Unknown. New Worlds Quarterly 2 (Unknown, Thomas M. Disch, Berkley Medallion, ISBN-10: 0425021025, $0.95, 192 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. New Worlds Quarterly 2 (Unknown, Thomas M. Disch, Berkley Medallion, ISBN-10: 0425021025, C$0.95, 192 pages, Paperback, Anthology)