Earthblood (Part 4 of 4)
From Author Wars -
- Title: Earthblood (Part 4 of 4)
- Author: Keith Laumer Rosel George Brown
- Year: 1966
- Type: Serials
- Unknown. If, July 1966 (Unknown, Keith Laumer, Galaxy Publishing Corporation, $0.50, 164 pages, digest, MAGAZINE)
- Unknown. If, July 1966 (Unknown, Rosel George Brown, Galaxy Publishing Corporation, $0.50, 164 pages, digest, MAGAZINE)
- Unknown. If, May 1967 (UK) (Unknown, Keith Laumer, Gold Star Publications, 3/6, 164 pages, digest, MAGAZINE)
- Unknown. If, May 1967 (UK) (Unknown, Rosel George Brown, Gold Star Publications, 3/6, 164 pages, digest, MAGAZINE)