Dracula on the Rocks
From Author Wars - https://authorwars.com/books/dracula-on-the-rocks-74886.html
- Title: Dracula on the Rocks
- Author: Carole Nelson Douglas
- Year: 1995
- Type: Short Fiction
- Series: Irene Adler
- Unknown. Celebrity Vampires (Unknown, Carole Nelson Douglas, DAW Books, ISBN-10: 0886776678, $4.99, 318 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. Rivals of Dracula (Unknown, Carole Nelson Douglas, Barnes & Noble Books, ISBN-10: 076070175X, $7.98, xv+377 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- 2014 . Unconventional Fantasy: A Celebration of Forty Years of the World Fantasy Convention (2014, Carole Nelson Douglas, Baltimore Washington Area Worldcon Association, Inc., $0.00, 1+736+684+764+660+560+90 pages, ebook, Anthology)