Custer's Last Jump
From Author Wars -
- Title: Custer's Last Jump
- Author: Steven Utley Howard Waldrop
- Year: 1976
- Type: Short Fiction
Variant Titles:
- 0000. Custer's Last Jump Nebula Award, Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Custer's Last Jump Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- Unknown. Science Fiction A to Z: A Dictionary of the Great S.F. Themes (Unknown, Steven Utley, Houghton Mifflin, ISBN-10: 039531285X, $22.95, xvii+651 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- Unknown. Science Fiction A to Z: A Dictionary of the Great S.F. Themes (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, Houghton Mifflin, ISBN-10: 039531285X, $22.95, xvii+651 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- Unknown. The Best Science Fiction of the Year #6 (Unknown, Steven Utley, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, ISBN-10: 0030207169, $9.95, viii+388 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- Unknown. The Best Science Fiction of the Year #6 (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, ISBN-10: 0030207169, $9.95, viii+388 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- Unknown. Universe 6 (Unknown, Steven Utley, Doubleday, ISBN-10: 0385114133, $5.95, 184 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- Unknown. Universe 6 (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, Doubleday, ISBN-10: 0385114133, $5.95, 184 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- Unknown. Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year: Sixth Annual Collection (Unknown, Steven Utley, E. P. Dutton, ISBN-10: 0525064958, $8.95, xxi+185 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- Unknown. Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year: Sixth Annual Collection (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, E. P. Dutton, ISBN-10: 0525064958, $8.95, xxi+185 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- Unknown. Universe 6 (Unknown, Steven Utley, Popular Library, ISBN-10: 0445040343, $1.50, 252 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. Universe 6 (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, Popular Library, ISBN-10: 0445040343, $1.50, 252 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year: Sixth Annual Collection (Unknown, Steven Utley, Ace Books, ISBN-10: 044105482X, $1.95, xxvii+283 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year: Sixth Annual Collection (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, Ace Books, ISBN-10: 044105482X, $1.95, xxvii+283 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. The Best Science Fiction of the Year #6 (Unknown, Steven Utley, Del Rey / Ballantine, ISBN-10: 0345257588, $1.95, xi+388 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. The Best Science Fiction of the Year #6 (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, Del Rey / Ballantine, ISBN-10: 0345257588, $1.95, xi+388 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. Space Dogfights (Unknown, Steven Utley, Ace Books, ISBN-10: 0441531679, $4.50, 208 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. Space Dogfights (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, Ace Books, ISBN-10: 0441531679, $4.50, 208 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. Universe 6 (Unknown, Steven Utley, Dennis Dobson, ISBN-10: 0234720751, 184 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- Unknown. Universe 6 (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, Dennis Dobson, ISBN-10: 0234720751, 184 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- Unknown. Alternative Histories (Unknown, Steven Utley, Garland Publishing, ISBN-10: 0824086597, $19.95, 363 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- Unknown. Alternative Histories (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, Garland Publishing, ISBN-10: 0824086597, $19.95, 363 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- Unknown. Custer's Last Jump (Unknown, Steven Utley, Ticonderoga Publications, ISBN-10: 0958685606, A$7.95, 36 pages, Pamphlet, Chapter Book)
- Unknown. Custer's Last Jump (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, Ticonderoga Publications, ISBN-10: 0958685606, A$7.95, 36 pages, Pamphlet, Chapter Book)
- Unknown. The Best Science Fiction of the Year #6 (Unknown, Steven Utley, Del Rey / Ballantine, ISBN-10: 0345257588, C$1.95, xi+388 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. The Best Science Fiction of the Year #6 (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, Del Rey / Ballantine, ISBN-10: 0345257588, C$1.95, xi+388 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. Universe 6 (Unknown, Steven Utley, Popular Library, ISBN-10: 0445040343, C$1.50, 252 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. Universe 6 (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, Popular Library, ISBN-10: 0445040343, C$1.50, 252 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. The Best Science Fiction of the Year 6 (Unknown, Steven Utley, Victor Gollancz, ISBN-10: 0575023384, viii+379 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- Unknown. The Best Science Fiction of the Year 6 (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, Victor Gollancz, ISBN-10: 0575023384, viii+379 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- 2015 . Future Wars ... and Other Punchlines (2015, Steven Utley, Baen Books, ISBN-10: 9781476780801, $14.00, 340 pages, Trade Paperback, Anthology)
- 2015 . Future Wars ... and Other Punchlines (2015, Howard Waldrop, Baen Books, ISBN-10: 9781476780801, $14.00, 340 pages, Trade Paperback, Anthology)