Cat with an Emerald Eye
From Author Wars -
- Title: Cat with an Emerald Eye
- Author: Carole Nelson Douglas
- Year: 1996
- Type: Novels
- Series: Midnight Louie
- Number in Series: 6
- Unknown. Cat with an Emerald Eye (Unknown, Carole Nelson Douglas, Forge, ISBN-10: 0812540123, $6.99, 384 pages, Paperback, Novel)
- Unknown. Cat with an Emerald Eye (Unknown, Carole Nelson Douglas, Forge, ISBN-10: 0312862288, $24.95, 384 pages, Hardcover, Novel)
- 2017 . Cat with an Emerald Eye (2017, Carole Nelson Douglas, Wishlist Publishing, ISBN-10: 9781943175086, $5.99, pages, ebook, Novel)