Ancient Fires
From Author Wars -
- Title: Ancient Fires
- Author: Seabury Quinn
- Year: 1926
- Type: Short Fiction
- Series: Jules de Grandin
- Unknown. Weird Tales, September 1926 (Unknown, Seabury Quinn, Popular Fiction Publishing Co., $0.25, 148 pages, pulp, MAGAZINE)
- Unknown. Startling Mystery Stories, Summer 1969 (Unknown, Seabury Quinn, Health Knowledge, Inc., $0.50, 134 pages, digest, MAGAZINE)
- Unknown. The Casebook of Jules de Grandin (Unknown, Seabury Quinn, Popular Library, $1.25, 252 pages, Paperback, Collection)
- Unknown. The Compleat Adventures of Jules de Grandin, Volume 1 (Unknown, Seabury Quinn, The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, Hardcover, Collection)
- Unknown. The Casebook of Jules de Grandin (Unknown, Seabury Quinn, Popular Library, C$1.25, 252 pages, Paperback, Collection)
- Unknown. Weird Tales, September 1926 (Unknown, Seabury Quinn, Girasol Collectables, $35.00, 144 pages, Trade Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. Weird Tales (Unknown, Seabury Quinn, Pulp Classics on DVD, other, Anthology)
- 2017 . The Horror on the Links (2017, Seabury Quinn, Night Shade Books, ISBN-10: 9781597808934, $34.99, xii+494 pages, Hardcover, Collection)
- 2017 . The Horror on the Links (2017, Seabury Quinn, Night Shade Books, ISBN-10: 9781597809092, $9.99, ebook, Collection)
- 2017 . The Horror on the Links (2017, Seabury Quinn, Highbridge / Recorded Books, ISBN-10: 9781681686387, digital audio download, Collection)
- 2021 . The Horror on the Links (2021, Seabury Quinn, Highbridge Audio and Blackstone Publishing, ISBN-10: 9781665144346, $75.00, audio CD, Collection)