Against the Ebon Rush of Night
From Author Wars -
- Title: Against the Ebon Rush of Night
- Author: Bruce Boston
- Year: 1988
- Type: Poems
- Unknown. Aboriginal Science Fiction, September-October 1988 (Unknown, Bruce Boston, Absolute Entertainment, $3.00, 64 pages, quarto, MAGAZINE)
- Unknown. Cybertexts (Unknown, Bruce Boston, Talisman, $5.00, 40 pages, digest, Collection)
- Unknown. The 1989 Rhysling Anthology (Unknown, Bruce Boston, SFPA, $2.50, 37 pages, octavo, Anthology)
- Unknown. Quanta (Unknown, Bruce Boston, Miniature Sun Press, ISBN-10: 0967666619, $8.00, 63 pages, Pamphlet, Collection)
- Unknown. Quanta (Unknown, Bruce Boston, Miniature Sun Press, ISBN-10: 0967666643, $10.00, 63 pages, Pamphlet, Collection)
- Unknown. Sensuous Debris: Selected Poems 1970-1995 (Unknown, Bruce Boston, Dark Regions Press, ISBN-10: 096267088X, $6.95, 96 pages, Trade Paperback, Collection)
- 2016 . Brief Encounters with My Third Eye: Selected Short Poems 1975-2016 (2016, Bruce Boston, Crystal Lake Publishing, ISBN-10: 9781684187584, $12.99, 144 pages, Trade Paperback, Collection)
- 2016 . Brief Encounters with My Third Eye: Selected Short Poems 1975-2016 (2016, Bruce Boston, Crystal Lake Publishing, ISBN-10: 9781684187614, $2.99, pages, ebook, Collection)