A Voice and Bitter Weeping
From Author Wars - https://authorwars.com/books/a-voice-and-bitter-weeping-51868.html
- Title: A Voice and Bitter Weeping
- Author: Buddy Saunders Howard Waldrop
- Year: 1973
- Type: Short Fiction
- Unknown. Galaxy, July-August 1973 (Unknown, Buddy Saunders, UPD Publishing Corporation, $0.75, 180 pages, digest, MAGAZINE)
- Unknown. Galaxy, July-August 1973 (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, UPD Publishing Corporation, $0.75, 180 pages, digest, MAGAZINE)
- Unknown. The Best from Galaxy, Volume II (Unknown, Buddy Saunders, Award Books, $1.25, 235 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. The Best from Galaxy, Volume II (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, Award Books, $1.25, 235 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. Custer's Last Jump and Other Collaborations (Unknown, Buddy Saunders, Golden Gryphon Press, ISBN-10: 1930846134, $24.95, x+254 pages, Hardcover, Collection)
- Unknown. Custer's Last Jump and Other Collaborations (Unknown, Howard Waldrop, Golden Gryphon Press, ISBN-10: 1930846134, $24.95, x+254 pages, Hardcover, Collection)