A Runaway World
From Author Wars - https://authorwars.com/books/a-runaway-world-85463.html
- Title: A Runaway World
- Author: Clare Winger Harris
- Year: 1926
- Type: Short Fiction
Variant Titles:
- Unknown. Away from the Here and Now (Unknown, Clare Winger Harris, Dorrance & Company, $2.50, 365 pages, Hardcover, Collection)
- Unknown. Weird Tales, July 1926 (Unknown, Clare Winger Harris, Popular Fiction Publishing Co., $0.25, 148 pages, pulp, MAGAZINE)
- Unknown. Weird Tales, July 1926 (Unknown, Clare Winger Harris, Girasol Collectables, $35.00, 144 pages, Trade Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. Weird Tales (Unknown, Clare Winger Harris, Pulp Classics on DVD, other, Anthology)
- 2011 . Away from the Here and Now (2011, Clare Winger Harris, Ramble House, ISBN-10: 9781605435688, $18.00, 296 pages, Trade Paperback, Collection)
- 2019 . The Artificial Man and Other Stories (2019, Clare Winger Harris, Belt Publishing, ISBN-10: 9781948742320, $14.95, 384 pages, Trade Paperback, Collection)
- 2019 . The Artificial Man and Other Stories (2019, Clare Winger Harris, Belt Publishing, ISBN-10: 9781948742337, $4.99, pages, ebook, Collection)
- 2019 . The Menace of Mars and Other Stories (2019, Clare Winger Harris, The Pulp Fiction Book Store, $3.99, ebook, Collection)