A Reckoning for Kings
From Author Wars - https://authorwars.com/books/a-reckoning-for-kings-2556.html
- Title: A Reckoning for Kings
- Author: Chris Bunch Allan Cole
- Year: 1987
- Type: Novels
- Unknown. A Reckoning for Kings: A Novel of the Tet Offensive (Unknown, Chris Bunch, Ballantine Books, ISBN-10: 0345346688, $4.95, xvii+493 pages, Paperback, Novel)
- Unknown. A Reckoning for Kings: A Novel of the Tet Offensive (Unknown, Allan Cole, Ballantine Books, ISBN-10: 0345346688, $4.95, xvii+493 pages, Paperback, Novel)
- 1987 . A Reckoning for Kings: A Novel of the Tet Offensive (1987, Chris Bunch, Atheneum, ISBN-10: 0689117078, $22.95, 449 pages, Hardcover, Novel)
- 1987 . A Reckoning for Kings: A Novel of the Tet Offensive (1987, Allan Cole, Atheneum, ISBN-10: 0689117078, $22.95, 449 pages, Hardcover, Novel)
- 2009 . A Reckoning for Kings: A Novel of the Tet Offensive (2009, Chris Bunch, Allan Cole, $4.99, ebook, Novel)
- 2009 . A Reckoning for Kings: A Novel of the Tet Offensive (2009, Allan Cole, Allan Cole, $4.99, ebook, Novel)
- 2017 . A Reckoning for Kings: A Novel of the Tet Offensive (2017, Chris Bunch, Books in Motion, ISBN-10: 9781614539377, audio CD, Novel)
- 2017 . A Reckoning for Kings: A Novel of the Tet Offensive (2017, Allan Cole, Books in Motion, ISBN-10: 9781614539377, audio CD, Novel)
- 2017 . A Reckoning for Kings: A Novel of the Tet Offensive (2017, Chris Bunch, Books in Motion, $6.08, digital audio download, Novel)
- 2017 . A Reckoning for Kings: A Novel of the Tet Offensive (2017, Allan Cole, Books in Motion, $6.08, digital audio download, Novel)