A Magus
From Author Wars - https://authorwars.com/books/a-magus-106658.html
- Title: A Magus
- Author: John Ciardi
- Year: 1965
- Type: Poems
- Unknown. 11th Annual Edition: The Year's Best S-F (Unknown, John Ciardi, Delacorte Press, $4.95, 384 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- Unknown. Holding Your Eight Hands: An Anthology of Science Fiction Verse (Unknown, John Ciardi, Doubleday, $1.95, xix+120 pages, Trade Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. 11th Annual Edition: The Year's Best S-F (Unknown, John Ciardi, Dell, $0.75, 384 pages, Paperback, Anthology)