Janet Aulisio
From Author Wars - http://www.authorwars.com/authors/writers/janet-aulisio/
Interior Art:
- 1977. Who Murders, Who Dreams
- 1986. Relics
- 1988. Fatal Statistics
- 1988. Siren
- 1990. Do Ya, Do Ya, Wanna Dance
- 1990. French Scenes
- 1991. Gravity's Angels
- 1995. Fait Accompli
- 1995. Innocent Until Scanned Guilty
- 1995. Mona
- 1995. The Lens of Time
- 1995. With Other Eyes
- 1997. Cease and Deceased
- 1997. Easter Egg Hunt
- 1997. House of Dreams
- 1997. Kaleidoscope
- 1997. Mothers' Day
- 1997. Our Share of Darkness
- 1997. Posar: With the Aliens
- 1997. Stormchild
- 1997. The Chapter of the Hawk of Gold
- 1997. The Wait
- 1997. The Wolf Man's Wife
- 1997. True Blue
- 1997. Variations in Dreampaint
- 1998. Miss'ippi Snow
- 1998. Steel Penny
- 1998. The Tale of the Cat
- 1998. What's it Like?
- 1999. Faith
- 2001. Computer Virus
- 2001. The Gift of Unbinding
- 2001. The Return of Spring
- 2002. Irena's Roses
Cover Art:
- 1981. Cover: Book I: Caverns
- 1981. Cover: The Water of Thought
- 1982. Cover: Book III: Lava
- 1984. Cover: The Journeys of McGill Feighan, Book III: Lava
- 1985. Cover: Analog Science Fiction and Fact, Mid-December 1985
- 1986. Cover: Analog Science Fiction and Fact, March 1986
- 1986. Cover: Analog Science Fiction and Fact, Mid-December 1986
- 1986. Cover: Book IV: Cliffs
- 1987. Cover: Amazing Stories, January 1987
- 1987. Cover: Analog Science Fiction and Fact, August 1987
- 1988. Cover: Amazing Stories, July 1988
- 1988. Cover: Analog Science Fiction and Fact, July 1988
- 1988. Cover: Analog Science Fiction and Fact, May 1988
- 1989. Cover: Amazing Stories, November 1989
- 1989. Cover: Analog Science Fiction and Fact, November 1989
- 1990. Cover: Amazing Stories, September 1990
- 1991. Cover: Amazing Stories, March 1991
- 1995. Cover: Mage: Such Pain
- 1995. Cover: Von Bek
- 1996. Cover: Von Bek
- 1987. Interior (Amazing May 1987) [untitled illustration on p. 41] Chesley, Best Interior Illustration
- 1990. Asimov's Readers' Poll, Asimov's Reader's Poll -- Interior Artist
- 1991. Asimov's Readers' Poll, Asimov's Reader's Poll -- Interior Artist
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