Edo van Belkom
From Author Wars - http://www.authorwars.com/authors/writers/edo-van-belkom/
Short Fiction:
- 1990. The Basement
- 1991. Baseball Memories
- 1992. Season's Meeting
- 1993. Teeth
- 1993. War Cry
- 1994. Lone Wolf
- 1994. Scream String
- 1994. The Great Escape
- 1994. The Intercourse Interface
- 1994. Mother and Child
- 1995. And Injustice for Some
- 1995. Career Move
- 1995. Chance Encounters Inc.
- 1995. Overdue Fines
- 1995. Someday My Prince Will Come
- 1996. The October Crisis
- 1996. The Piano Player Has No Fingers
- 1996. The Terminatrix
- 1997. Ice Bridge
- 1997. Rat Food
- 1997. The Rug
- 1998. Hockey's Night in Canada
- 1998. Instrument of Death
- 1998. Pattern Baldness
- 1998. Strange Attraction
- 1998. The Debauched One
- 1998. The Sorcerer's Wife
- 2000. Coming of Age
- 1999. Hockey's Night in Canada Aurora, Best Short-Form Work in English / Meilleure nouvelle en anglais
- 2003. Be Very Afraid! Aurora, Best Other Work in English / Meilleur ouvrage en anglais (Autre)
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