A. Merritt's Fantasy Magazine, February 1950
From Author Wars - http://localhost:9999/authorwars-go/authorwars-www/publications/a-merritts-fantasy-magazine-february-1950-55975.html
- Title: A. Merritt's Fantasy Magazine, February 1950
- Author: Mary Gnaedinger
- Year: 1950
- Publisher: Recreational Reading, Inc.
- Price: $0.25
- Pages: 132
- Binding: pulp
- Title Reference: The Seal Maiden
- Notes:
- Volume 1, Number 2.
- The editor is not credited but Day credits Gnaedinger.
- The cover artist is not credited but Contento and Ashley credit Saunders.
- The artwork for "The Seal Maiden" is probably by Lawrence.