A Landscape of Darkness
From Author Wars - http://localhost:9999/authorwars-go/authorwars-www/publications/a-landscape-of-darkness-792.html
- Title: A Landscape of Darkness
- Author: John Blair
- Year: 1990
- ISBN-10: 0345365178
- Publisher: Del Rey / Ballantine
- Price: $3.95
- Pages: 247
- Binding: Paperback
- Type: Novel
- Title Reference: A Landscape of Darkness
- Notes:
- The author name is stated as "John Blair" on the title page and cover and as "John M. Blair" on the copyright page.
- Assumed first printing that states "First Edition: July 1990" with no number line.
- The publisher is stated on the title page as (Del Rey logo) / "A Del Rey Book" / "Ballantine Books • New York".
- There are six unnumbered pages before page 1.
- Catalog # 36517 on the front cover. The ISBN is on the spine, back cover bar code, and copyright page.
- Priced "(Canada $5.50 '''U.S. $3.95'''"
- The cover artist credit is stated on the copyright page. A moderately legible signature is visible within the artwork.
- The copyright page states "Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 90-92428." The LCCN: 90-92428 is not found on the library of Congress web site.
- LCCN from LoC catalog lookup.