A California Dreamer in King Henry's Court
From Author Wars - http://localhost:9999/authorwars-go/authorwars-www/publications/a-california-dreamer-in-king-henrys-court-271.html
- Title: A California Dreamer in King Henry's Court
- Author: Robert L. Plunkett
- Year: 1989
- ISBN-10: 0962313947
- Publisher: Silver Dawn Media
- Price: $16.95
- Pages: 213+[2]
- Binding: Hardcover
- Type: Novel
- Title Reference: A California Dreamer in King Henry's Court
- Notes:
- No Canadian price.
- Cover art credited on back of book and cover is signed.
- Back cover of dustjacket is taken up by four-paragraph endorsement by A.E. van Vogt.
- Full Library of Congress CIP data on copyright page.
- "First Edition" [over] "10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1" on copyright page.
Catalog of Copyright entry TX0002725579 puts the publication date at 1989-12-04. - Author's Note on page [215] discusses historical authenticity of parts of the novel.
- No BLIC.