14 Vicious Valentines
From Author Wars - http://localhost:9999/authorwars-go/authorwars-www/publications/14-vicious-valentines-68.html
- Title: 14 Vicious Valentines
- Author: Charles G. Waugh, Rosalind M. Greenberg, Martin Harry Greenberg
- Year: 1988
- ISBN-10: 0380753537
- Publisher: Avon
- Price: $3.50
- Pages: viii+196
- Binding: Paperback
- Type: Anthology
- Title Reference: 14 Vicious Valentines
- Notes:
- "First Avon Books Printing: February 1988" stated on the copyright page with a complete number line: "K-R 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1".
- Publisher is given as just "Avon" on the title page, "Avon Books" on the front cover, "Avon" on the spine, and as "Avon Books, A division of The Hearst Corporation" on the copyright page.
- Cover art is not credited, and there is no visible signature.
- All but two of the stories ("Recipe for a Happy Marriage" and "Colt .24")) are original to this publication, even though the acknowledgments page say that "Colt .24" is original as well.
- Canadian price: C$4.50.