Andre Norton



Born Alice Mary Norton 17 February 1912, she legally changed her name in 1934 to Andre Alice Norton. She was to write for young boys, and the male name was expected to increase her marketability. Ms. Norton started writing in High School (Collinwood High School in Cleveland, Ohio), although the first books she wrote, "Ralestone Luck", was published as the second in 1938, following "The Prince Commands" (1934). After graduating from the High School, she continued her education at the Flora Stone Mather College of Western Reserve University, intending to become a history teacher. Then, due to the economical depression, she was forced to find work in order to support the household. In 1932 was employed by the Cleveland Library System, where she worked for the next 18 years, after which she became a freelance writer. Her most known works are the Witch World and the Solar Queen series, although during her long career she wrote more than hundred books. She has received almost any possible SF-F award, including the Gandalf, the Hugo, Nebula Grand Master, Barlog, World Fan tasy Convention Award (the Howard), etc. For more detailed information see web page. Written by Maciej Zaleski - Ejgierd.


Short Fiction:


  • 1977. Gandalf, Grandmaster of Fantasy (Gandalf)
  • 1979. for lifetime achievement Balrog, Judges' Choice
  • 1983. Nebula, Grand Master Award
  • 1983. Skylark, Edward E. Smith Memorial Award for Imaginative Fiction
  • 1987. World Fantasy, Special Convention Award
  • 1998. World Fantasy, Life Achievement
  • View all achievements »


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