Andrew Joron
Source: "Andrew Joron Bibliography." Author Wars, http://localhost:9999/authorwars-go/authorwars-www/authors/andrew-joron.html".
Chapter Books
- 1987. Force Fields
- 1992. Science Fiction
- 1993. Invisible Machines
- 2010. Trance Archive: New and Selected Poems
Cover Art
- 1979. Recent Speculative Works by Mainstream Poets: A Polemical Review (Book reviews Star*Line, March 1979)
- 1979. Recent Speculative Works by Mainstream Poets: A Polemical Review--Part 2 (book reviews)
- 1981. SF Poetry: A New Genre
- 1989. Poe + Isis: A Rejoinder to Engh
- 1992. SF-Dichtung — ein neues Genre
- 1992. Preface (Science Fiction)
- 1993. Introduction (Terminal Velocities)
- 1993. Preface (Invisible Machines)
- 2001. Introduction: Language Novas (Quanta)
- 2005. Funning the Maze #4
Interior Art
Magazine Editor
- 1982. Velocities, #1, Summer 1982
- 1983. Velocities, Spring 1983
- 1983. Velocities, #3, Fall-Winter 1983
- 1984. Velocities, Summer 1984
- 1988. Velocities #5, Winter 1988
- 2012. SFPA-Sponsored Poetry Contests - 2012
- 1977. Asleep in the Arms of Mother Night
- 1978. The Skull's Velocity
- 1978. White Noise
- 1979. The Tetrahedron Letters
- 1979. The Sonic Flowerfall of Primes
- 1980. Paranoid Systems of Natural History
- 1981. Their Terminals Have Said...
- 1981. From the Cycle Human Voices
- 1981. Agency
- 1981. Quotella (Star*Line, September-October 1981)
- 1981. Their Terminals Have Said
- 1981. Two Walkers Across the Time Flats
- 1982. A Beautiful Disease
- 1982. Telecommunion
- 1982. A Memory of the Future #1
- 1982. A Memory of the Future #2
- 1982. A Memory of the Future I
- 1982. A Memory of the Future II
- 1982. All Equations Are Lesion's Equal
- 1982. Cascade
- 1982. Under the Chronopaths
- 1982. The Aging of Clones
- 1982. The Hunter: 20,000 A.D.
- 1983. Kaleidoscope of Dust
- 1983. Beacon
- 1983. The Webbed Axis
- 1983. Vehicular Man
- 1984. Hominid Voices
- 1984. The Memory in the Earth
- 1984. A Re-Union of Selves
- 1984. Invisible Machines
- 1984. Excavations: An Archaeological Fantasy
- 1984. Hegemony
- 1985. A Measure of Calm
- 1985. Bulletin from the Galactic Center
- 1985. The Navigator
- 1985. Shipwrecked on Destiny Five
- 1985. The Wake of Gravity
- 1986. Titles from Tanguy
- 1986. The Continued Aging of Clones
- 1986. Palaces on Pluto?
- 1986. The Timescope
- 1987. Black Hole / Black God
- 1987. An Illuminated Manuscript
- 1987. Breaking into the Crystal Text
- 1987. Event Horizon
- 1987. His Master's Voice
- 1987. Mirror of Prometheus
- 1987. Panspermia
- 1987. Post-Historic Pastorale
- 1987. Stormtower
- 1987. Tetrahedron Letters
- 1987. The Hunter: A.D. 20,000
- 1987. The Old Ones
- 1987. Thought Experiment
- 1987. Vox Sanguinis
- 1987. Exiled of Worlds
- 1987. Black God: Black Hole
- 1988. In the Wake of Gravity
- 1988. What Clones Share When They Pass Beyond Their Corporeal Lifetimes
- 1988. Living with Nuclear Weapons
- 1988. Living with Nuclear Weapons (After the Harvard Symposium)
- 1989. The Fate of Polyphemus
- 1989. Antenna
- 1989. Original Rays
- 1989. Unmanned
- 1989. Sanctuary
- 1990. Europe after the Rain
- 1990. The Lander's Soliloquy
- 1990. The X Mass
- 1991. Petrified Music
- 1991. The Hermetic Prince
- 1992. Awakening the Android
- 1992. The Impossible Room
- 1992. The Parasite: A Love Story
- 1992. The Weatherman
- 1992. Nostalgia for the Infinite
- 1992. New Moon
- 1992. Arise, Unblinded
- 1992. Aubade: Tau Ceti
- 1992. Autoplastik
- 1992. Baring the Device
- 1992. Confessional
- 1992. Constantinople II
- 1992. Daughter of the Depths
- 1992. Horseheads
- 1992. I Am Joe's Brain
- 1992. Instructions to a Flea
- 1992. Nightdawn
- 1992. Oedipus-Mask of an American Inventor
- 1992. Ophelia
- 1992. Smart Bomb
- 1992. The Birdsongs Are Aging
- 1992. The Dying Radio
- 1992. The Invention of Zero
- 1992. The Mind War
- 1992. The New Wheel
- 1992. Theory of the Page
- 1992. Time Spy & Psychopomp
- 1992. Voiceprints
- 1993. Seven Gnomonic Measurements
- 1993. Banquet at the End of Time
- 1993. Excavations
- 1993. Strange Attractor
- 1993. The Volplaning
- 1993. Antenne
- 2004. Man Suspended by Voices
- 2004. Uncompressed Rituals
- 2004. Time's Gypsy Speaks to the Spinning Cube
- 2008. The Inverted World
- 2009. Cities in Fog
- 1983. The Future of Eternity: Mythologies of Science Fiction and Fantasy
- 1985. A Measure of Calm
- 1986. A Measure of Calm
- 1987. Force Fields
- 1988. Force Fields
- 1989. Antenna
- 1993. Science Fiction
- 1993. Science Fiction
- 1994. Invisible Machines
- 1994. Invisible Machines
- 1980. The Sonic Flowerfall of Primes - Rhysling Award, Long Poem (Win)
- 1986. Shipwrecked on Destiny Five - Rhysling Award, Long Poem (Win)
- 2005. Uncompressed Rituals - Rhysling Award, Long Poem (Nomination below cutoff)
- 2010. Cities in Fog - Rhysling Award, Short Poem (Nomination below cutoff)